Sunday, October 11, 2009

Darlene's Coin Math for Oct. 11

The assignment for our long weekend was to answer two questions from the Coin Math activity. We were told to answer one purple question and one of any other color.

1. How much money do the coins add up to?

- Mr. Harbeck told us that the coins add up to a total of $100.

2. Would the jar look the same if it was Canadian money?

- The jar would not look the same because there will be many different types of coins and there will also be more colorful.

Coinmath Part 2

1. A- Combination of USA coins .

0.01 = $0.50 x 80 rolls = $40.00
0.05 = $2.00 x 10 rolls = $20.00
0.10 = $5.00 x 4 rolls = $20 .00
0.25 = $10.00 x 2 rolls = $20.00

= $100

1. B- Combination of CAN coins.

0.01 = $0.01 x 50 = $0.50
0.05 = $0.05 x 40 = $2.00
0.10 = $0.10 x 50 = $5.00
0.25 = $0.25 x 40 = $10.00

2. How full is the jar ?

The jar is 3/4 full. Another way you could say it is 75% because they are the same. If you use American or Canadian coins , they will fill up 75% of the jar's space because they are pretty much the same.


Abby 8-73 said...

Good Job Darlene!! (:
Love the color you use. Good job again! (:

Ronny 816 said...

good job darlene, nice choice of colour but you could have explained more on your questions or chose deeper questions


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