Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Today, we had to pick a picture for home work. I pick this picture.

Part to Part ratio:

Blue to Green
1 : 6

Red to Yellow
6 : 4
Yellow to Green
4 : 6


Part to Total ratio:

Blue to Total 1:17

Yellow to Total 4:17

Green to Total 6:17

Red to Total 6:17

Red to Green to Total = 12:17


Blue to Yellow to Green - 1 : 4 : 6

Red to Yellow to Green - 6 : 4 : 6

Here's my question!

1.)What would be the ratios of Red to total?

2.)What would be the ratios of Green to Yellow?

3.)What would be the ratio of Blue to Green to Yellow?


kenchan223 said...

whoa elvin oversize picture much,but ehh everything else is pretty good

Anonymous said...

goood job , you did a good job with the colours .

the PICTURE is tooooooo LARGE !!


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