Sunday, October 18, 2009

Scribepost for October 18th 2009 Question 22

A) Express the ratio of rise to run in lowest terms. This ratio describes the slope of the ramp.
3:12 (simplest terms) 3÷3=1 12÷3=4 1:4

B) Express the slope ratio as a fraction, a decimal, and a percent.

1/4 1÷4= 0.25 25x100%= 25%

C) Predict what effect each of the
following would have on the slope
of the ramp:
• increasing the rise
• decreasing the rise
• increasing the run
• decreasing the run

When you increase the rise you increase the slope.
When you decrease the rise you decrease the slope.
When you increase the run you decrease the slope.
When you decrease the run you increase the slope.

When you increase and decrease in rise, you're moving up and down on the y axis on a grid. When you increase or decrease the run, you're moving left and right on the x axis on a grid.

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