Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ratio Homework Scribe for Oct. 17

Yesterday, Mr. Harbeck assigned us to answer one question from pages 51-54. I picked number 14 from page 52.

4. Three eights of the 96 adults in the McGregor are less than 150 cm tall.

a) Draw a diagram to represent the statement. (0) Representing people.

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b) How many adults in the McGregor clan are less than 150 cm tall? Show your work using equivalent ratios.

There are 36 adults less than 150 cm tall because the ratio 3:8 is equivalent to the ratio 36:96.

c) How many adults are 150 cm or taller? Explain your thinking.

There are 60 adults that are 150 cm or taller. There are 96 adults in total subtract 36 adults who are less than 150 cm tall equals 60 adults who are 150 cm or taller.

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