Monday, October 12, 2009

Brayden's Scribepost October 12, 2009

Today's assignment was to answer 1 purple question and 1 of any colour question except black.

1. Would the jar look the same is the money was Canadian?

No, it would not look the same because there is a difference between Canadian currency and American currency.

2. What is the value of the jar?

The value of the jar is $100.


Part 2 October 13/09

For homework we had to answer 2 questions

1) Make a reasonable combination of American coins in the Jar

I would put the following in the jar.

50 rolls of pennies = 20$
10 rolls of nickels = 20$
6 rolls of dimes = 30$
3 rolls of quarters = 30$
= 100$

I had have this many coins :

2000 pennies
400 nickels
300 dimes
120 quarters
= 2820 American coins in the jar

In my Canadian jar I would have the following coins.

1 roll of toonies = 50$
1 roll of loonies = 25$
1 roll of quarters = 10$
1 roll of dimes = 5$
2 rolls of nickels = 4$
2 rolls of pennies = 1$
= 100$

This is where I found my answer

25 toonies
25 loonies
40 quarters
50 dimes
40 nickels
100 pennies
= 280 Canadian Coins in the jar.

When I compare the American coins to the Canadian coins there is a very big difference. There are 2820 American coins in the jar and that will take up approximetly half of the jar. If you put all the 280 Canadian coins in the jar it will approximetly take up around 1/10 of the jar.

P.S. Sorry for the website not working, It wouldn't work when I put it in edit html.

Hope you liked my post!


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