Sunday, April 4, 2010

Elaine's Fraction Growing Post

My Fraction Growing Post

Part 1

a) My Fractio
n Video

b) Multiplying Fractions

From the text book, I will use question 6 a) to explain how you can multiply fractions.

There are many ways to show what the product of 4 x 1/2 is. But the equation is basically telling you to add up 1/2, 4 times. Here is one way:

Another way to show multiplication is using a number line :

One last way is to multiply the numerators and the denominators:

c) Dividing Fractions

I used question 5 a) from the text book to help me explain how to divide fractions.

One way you can show you divided a fraction is by u
sing a fraction strip. First you show your fraction on the strip and then you divide the strip by the divisor:

Another way you can divide a fraction is by multiplying the denominator of the fraction by the divisor:

d) Word Problems

Here, I'll show you how to solve a word problem using a question from the text book.

7. A pitcher of orange juice is 2/3 full. If four students equally share the juice, what fraction of the full pitcher does each student get?

To solve word problems, you have to find what it is asking. For example, in this question it is asking you to divide the pitcher of orange juice between 4 students. Then you set up a simple sentence answer. Next, you solve the problem. Lastly, you fill in the sentence.

Part 2

1) Fraction x Fraction

When you multiply a proper fraction by another proper fraction, you follow two steps. First, multiply the numerators my each other and then the denomi
nators. The second step you do after multiplying, is that you put the fraction in lowest terms if it is not already.

2) Mixed Number x Fraction

To find the product of a mixed number and a fraction, you have to follow a few steps. The first step is to convert the mixed number into an improper fraction by multiplying the whole by the denominator and the adding the numerator. After you get the improper fraction, you multiply the numerators and denominators. If your answer is an improper fraction, you convert it back to a mixed number by dividing the numerator by the denominator then put in it lowest terms. But if your answer is a proper fraction, you just convert it to lowest terms.

3) Mixed Number x Mixed Number

The steps to find the answer of a multiplication question using mixed numbers is that first, you have to turn the mixed numbers into improper fractions. Then, you multiply the numerators and denominators. After that, you turn that improper fraction back into a mixed number. Finally, you put it into lowest terms.

Part 3

In today's class, we learned how to divide fractions. We came up with three different ways to find them. But for me, I'm more comfortable with using only two of the ways so those will be the two I will explain.

a) Dividing Proper Fractions

When you divide a proper fraction, one way you can do it is by using cross multiplication. You get the denominator by multiplying the denominator of the dividend and the numerator of the divisor. To get the numerator, you multiply the numerator of the dividend by the denominator of the divisor. If it is an improper fraction, convert it into a mixed fraction then put it into lowest terms.

The second way to get the answer is by finding a common denominator. When you get the common denominators. The numerator of the dividend it the numerator of the quotient and numerator of the divisor is the denominator for the quotient. And again if it is an improper fraction, turn it into a mixed number then convert it into lowest terms.

b) Dividing a Mixed Number and a Proper Fraction
Here, I'll explain two ways to find the quotient of a mixed number and a proper fraction.

The first way you can find the quotient is by cross multiplying. First, you convert the mixed number into a improper fraction. Then you multiply the numerator of the dividend the denominator of the divisor to the numerator of the quotient. Next, you multiply the denominator of the dividend and the numerator of the divisor to get the denominator of the quotient. After that, if it's an improper fraction convert it into a mixed number. Lastly, put it into lowest terms.

The second way you can find the answer is by using a common factor. The first thing you do is to convert any mixed numbers into an improper fraction. Next, you find a common factor. After you convert the fractions so they have a common factor, you will easily find the quotient. The numerator of the quotient is the same as the numerator of the dividend and the denominator of the quotient is the same as the numerator of the divisor. After that, you turn the improper fraction into a mixed number. Lastly, you put it into lowest terms.

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