Sunday, March 7, 2010

noelle cuvos' Growing Post


Rectangular Prism
To find the TSA (Total Surface Area) of a rectangular prism, you can start by find the area of the front view, side view and the top view. In order to do this you must use the formula l x w = area of a square. Then add the sum of the 3 views' area and multiply by 2 (the opposite sides of each view) with this formula, TSA = (Top + Side + Front) x 2

Triangular Prism
To find the TSA of a triangular prism you can start by drawing a net. Then you can find the area of all the 5 faces by using the formula b x h / 2 = area of a triangle. Then calculate all the faces together to get the total surface area.

To find the TSA of a cylinder you must start by finding the surface area of 1 of the 2 circles then multiplying that by 2 for each circle. To find the area of a cirlce you must have the radius. Once you have it you use the formula A = pi x R x R. Then multiply it by two for the area of both circles. Then to find the area of the rectangle you use the formula l x w, but to find the length you need the circumference of the circle because they are equal. to find the circumference you can use the formula C= D x pi. If you already have the Radius you can multiply that radius by 2 to get the diameter. After all this, you'll have the area of both circles and the rectangle, then you must simply add the 2 areas together.


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