Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jennifer's Surface Area Growing Post !

- Sorry about not putting pictures , it wouldn't let me upload it !

Triangular Prism:
To find the area of a triangle you must use this formula :

By using this formula I can find the area of a triangular prism,

Here are the steps to find the total surface area !

1. make a net of the triangular prism
-use the formula for each face on the triangular prism.
2.use the rectangular prism formula when there was a square and used the triangular prism formula when there was a triangle.
3. After I found the area of all the faces I added them all up to get the Total Surface Area

Rectangular Prism:
To find the area of a square you use this formula
a= lxw

Using this formula I can find the area of a rectangular prism.

Here are the steps to find the total suface area of a rectangular prism :)

1.make a net of the rectangular prism
2.use the formula for each face on the prism.
3. find the area of all the faces and add them all up to get the Total Surface Area !

Cylinder :

For the cylinder, you use 2 formulas.

How do you find the circumference ?

you use this formula. C = pi x r x r

If you need to find the area of the circle you use this formula:

a = (pi) x d

Here are the steps to find the total surface area of a cylinder !

1. Make a net of the cylinder.
2. Use another formula to get the diameter of the cyclinder which is, r x 2 = d.
3. I used the radius to calculate the circumference.
4. I used the diamter to find the area of the circle.
5. I used the rectangular prism formula to figure out the rectangular part of the net.
6. I then added the 2 circles and the rectangular part of the net and got the Total Surface Area." />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

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