Sunday, March 28, 2010

Ralph's Fraction Growing Post

a) Here is a video of how I got my answers on my fraction test.

b) Next, I will explain two ways to multiply a fraction by a whole number using a question from page 202.

One way you could solve the problem is drawing a diagram to show how you did it.

Another way you could solve the problem is multiplying the numerator of a fraction by the other fractions numerator and multiplying one fractions denominator by the other fractions denominator.

eg. 6 x 1/4

c) Next, I will explain how to divide a fraction by a whole number using a question from page 208.

When you divide a fraction by a whole number one of the best ways to solve the problem is with a diagram.

You draw the original fraction, then you make a fraction of that fraction.

eg. 1/4 o/o 2 = 1/8

So you take 1/4. Then you split 1/4 in two. So you end up with 1/8. You get 1/8 because you have to divide all the 1/4's into two so there would be 8 pieces.

d) Finally I will solve one word problem from page 208.

7. A pitcher of orange juice is 2/3full. If four students equally share the juice, what fraction of the full pitcher does each student get?

The question is asking us 2/3 o/o 4 students.

This is how I got my answer:

First I drew 2/3. Next, for each third, I split each one of them into 4th's. Next I filled in 2 squares because the original fraction was 2/3.

When you count up all the squares, there are 12 squares.

The fraction is 2/12.
Each Student gets 2/12 of the juice.

Thanks for reading!

PART 2 !

Fraction x Fraction

When you multiply a fraction by a fraction, you multiply the two numerators and the two denominators to get a new fraction.


Fraction x Mixed Number
When you are multiplying a mixed number by a fraction you convert the mixed number by multiplying the whole number by denominator then adding the numerator of the fraction. Then you multiply the two numerators and the two denominators.

Mixed Number x Mixed Number
When you are multiplying mixed numbers by mixed numbers, you convert the mixed numbers by multiplying the whole number by the denominator then adding the numerator of the mixed number. Then you multiply the two numerators and two denominators. Next you convert the new fraction back to a mixed number if the fraction is really big and can't be simplified.



Today we wrote down how to divide fractions and mixed numbers. We also had to answer 2 questions.

1 1/2 -/- 3/4

Which means "How many 3/4 in 1 1/2."

This is how I got my answer

3/4 -/- 1/2

Which means "How many 1/2 are in 3/4"

This is how I got my answer

Friday, March 26, 2010

Jex Fraction Growing Post

In our classes. We learned about how to multiply and divide Fractions

This is my video on my quiz.

Now I will how show how to convert fraction by multiplying, dividing and how to figure out a word problem


There's two ways that you can multiply a fraction. One way is you can use a diagram.
You can put 1/2 in to 4 pieces. It would equal 4/2 or 2.
Another way is use equivalent fractions.
You can do that by multiplying both denominator and numerator.

To divide a fraction first of all, you have to draw a diagram.
After you can it to fraction pieces. Then you can shade how much you are dividing.
Another way is to multiply the denominator and how much is dividing it too.
You leave the numerator the same.

Word Problem
Iqaluit has frost on about 3/4 of the days in a year. It has frost on five times as many days as Vancouver. On what fraction of the days of the year does Vancouver have

Part 2

Fraction times Fraction

All you have to do is multiply both denominator and both numerator.
So We got here 3/4 x 4/5
You multiply 3x4=12 to get the numerator.
To get the denominator you multiply 4x5=20.
Which equals 12/20 to simplify you divide both denominator and numerator by 4. And it will give you 3/5.

Mixed Number X Fraction

First of all you make the mixed number to a fraction. You do that by multiplying the whole number by the denominator.

So 1x2=2 after that you add 1. So you would get 3/2
Now you multiply 3/2 and 1/4.
It would equal 3/8.

Mixed number X Mixed Number

If you're multiplying a mixed number and a mixed number all you do is convert it to fractions.
26/10 x 49/2= 1274/20.
Simplify 637/10.
Divide 637/10=63and7/10


Dividing Fractions
IF you're dividing fractions.
You multiply the numerator by the other denominator.
So for here we got 3/4 divide 1/2. We multiply those fractions. So we got 6/4.

Now we divide the 6/4.
So the equals. 1 1/2

1 and 1/2 divided by 3/4

For this you have to figure out what 1 1/2 as a fraction so you multiply the denominator and the whole number. So you get 3/2.
Now you multiply First you have to multiply 1 by 2 then you multiply 3 by 4.
So you get

Now you divide 12/2
So there is 6 wholes

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Brayden's Fraction Growing Post

This video shows how I got the answers to my Fraction Quiz.

Now I'm going to explain two ways to multiply a fraction by a whole number.

One way would be drawing 4 groups of 1/2

Another way would be to multiply the two numerators.

Now I'm going to explain how to divide a fraction by a whole number.

My example is 1/4 ÷ 2.

Use your fraction strip and divide it into fourths. Then color in 1/4 of it. Next you divide your fraction strip in half as seen in the picture.

Next we have to answer a word problem.

12) It takes 4/5 of a roll of ribbon to wrap six packages. What fraction of a roll does it take to wrap three packages?

It would take 2/5 of a roll to wrap three packages.

I found that out because if 4/5 of a roll of ribbon wraps six packages you can just divide 4/5 by 2 and get 2/5 which would wrap three packages.


Part 2

Fraction x Fraction

Fraction x mixed number

4/5 x 1 1/2

First you have to convert the mixed number to a improper fraction.

1 x 2 = 2
2 + 1 = 3
= 3/2

Then you multiply the two fractions.

4/5 x 3/2 = 12/10 or 6/5 or 1 1/5

Mixed number x Mixed number

2 1/3 x 2 2/3

First you convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.

2 x 3 = 6
6 + 1 = 7
= 7/6

2 x 3 = 6
6 + 2 = 8
= 8/7

Then you multiply the two improper fractions .

7/6 x 8/7 = 56/42 or 4/3 or 1 1/3

Part 3


When you're dividing fractions you multiply the numerators by the denominator in the other fraction.


3/4 divided 1/2

You multiply 3 x 2 and 1 x 4 = 6/4

Then you make it a mixed fraction.

6/4 = 1 1/2

1 1/2 divided by 3/4

First you have to convert the mixed number to a improper fraction.

3/2 x 3/4

3 x 4 = 12

3 x 2 = 6

= 12/6

or 2

Monday, March 22, 2010

Elaine's Pay it Forward

Part One: What is "Pay it Forward"?
After seeing this inspiring movie, I realized how important it is to pay it forward. It is important to pay it forward because it just doesn't make a difference on the person you helped but rather the whole world. This movie sends a strong message to many people and I am glad to have seen this movie because it's going to inspire me to do the same thing Trevor did. For me, paying it forward means helping a person and asking them to help another person which will result in making a difference in our world. By doing this, people will realize that it's time to do something to help make a difference. This is certainly something I am willing to do and I will attempt to get others involved as well.

Part Two: Our Act of Kindness
Our group involved four people, Binesi, Mary Jane, Faye, and I. For our act of kindness, we decided to make bracelets and sell them to help get a polio vaccination for a community in Africa. We were very fortunate to get a spot at the book fair to sell the bracelets. We completed our act of kindness during the parent teacher conference which was on Thursday night and Friday morning/afternoon.

Part Three: The Experience
I thought that our act of kindness went fantastic. Our goal was to sell all of the bracelets and raise $175.00. I was so happy to have reached our goal and knowing that we helped a community in Africa put a smile on my face.

At first I was afraid that no one would buy our bracelets and so we wouldn't be able to raise enough money. In case that happened, we were prepared to do something else but I wasn't ready to give up. Our sale was going slow at first but none of us wanted to give up. To make our sale go a bit faster, we decided to make posters and walk around the hallways to see if we could get more people interested in buying our bracelets. Along the way, there were many people who stopped to read our sign and asked "what does pay it forward mean"? We briefly told them what it meant and I was pretty sure those people stopped by the library to check out our merchandise. To get even more people interested, we decided to ask for requests of what color the customer would like their bracelet to be and that we would customize it for them. Many people bought our merchandise including teachers, parents, students, and even the staff in the office. At the end I thought it was a very successful experience and we managed to reach our goal of $175.00.

As we were doing our act of kindness, I felt good about what we were doing. I had that warm feeling that everyone said that we would get and it made me smile. I was so happy to know that we were actually going to help the community in Africa and help them live a better life. I'm sure that the rest of the group had the same feeling I had. Hopefully the people who bought our bracelets payed it forward. I would certainly like to do this again and this is an experience I will never forget.
I would like to give special mention to the people who helped out which were: Sharmaine, Jerick, and Noelle. I would like to thank them for helping us achieve our goal and hopefully they had fun.

Part Four: Why is this important?

The idea of pay it forward is important because it will make a difference in our world. By this I mean that you will not just help someone out because you are expecting something in return. You do this because you want to help make a difference and put a smile into people's faces without getting anything in return.

I think that our act of kindness has made a difference because we didn't just do it because we were asked to but rather because we wanted to. Hopefully the community in Africa will now live a better life and that we were able to put a smile on each and everyone of their faces.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Noel's Growing post

The measurements : Radius of the circle are 5cm, Circumference is 12 cm and the lines are 22cm


The formula's for finding the surface area of a cylinder are

The surface area of a cylinder is the sum of the areas of its faces.

S.A. = 2 × (π × r2) + (π × d × h) or to shorten this it could be S.A.= 2πr2 + πdh To solve it I will use the formula S.A.=2x3.14x25 + 3.14x 10x

Triangular Prism

Then you add them all together and you get 141 cm2
The formulas for a triangular prism are: LXW and BXH divided by 2.

Rectangular prism

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Elissa's Growing Post


Triangular Prism

Rectangular Prism" />

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Justine's Growing Post ...

How to find TSA (Total Surface Area) or a rectangular Prism..

Lets get starts, first things first.
You Make your Rectangular Prism that you want to know what the TSA of it.
Find the L, W and H.

ex. W=5 L=4 H=6
theres my WLH(Width Lenght Height)

Formula... LxW

First of all... Make a net of the rectangle you just made with the exact WLH you did.
Lable the numbers all of them. then find the area of each net squares.
like... [][][][]
there is my kind of net.. think about the first square look at the numbers you labled then add them or just do LxW


On this topic we learn about fractions and converting fractions.
We learned how to convert mixed fractions to improper fractions and also converting improper fractions to improper fractions.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Elvin's Growing Post


How to find the TSA of a cylinder:

The cylinder has two circular bases.
The area of one circle is:
A = π × r2
A ≈ 3.14 × 0.3752
A ≈ 0.4415625
The area of the circle is
approximately 0.4415625 m2.

There are two circles, so the area
of both circles is approximately
0.883125 m2.

Calculate the total surface area.
S.A. ≈ 0.883125 + 5.652
S.A. ≈ 6.535125
The total surface area is approximately 6.54 m2

Rectangular Prism

How to find the TSA of a Rectangualar Prism:

Find the area of one circle.
A = π × r2
A ≈ 3.14 × 3.752
A ≈ 44.15625
The area of one circle is approximately 44.15625 cm2.
Find the area of two circles.
2 ×44.15625 = 88.3125
The area of both circles is approximately 88.3125 cm2.
Find the area of the rectangle using the circumference of the circle.
A = l × w
A = (π × d) × w
A ≈ 3.14 × 7.5 × 11
A ≈ 259.05

The area of the rectangle is approximately 259.05 cm2.
Calculate the total surface area.
Surface area = 88.3125 + 259.05
= 347.3625

Triangular Prism

How to find the TSA of a Triangular Prism:

3 m
2.6 m
9 m

b) The bases of the prism are equilateral triangles.
The sides of the prism are rectangles.
3 m 3 m
9 m 2.6 m

rectangle triangle
A = l ×w A= (b × h) ÷ 2
A = 9 × 3 A = (3 × 2.6) ÷ 2
A = 27 A = 7.8 ÷ 2
A = 3.9
The area of one The area of one
rectangle is 27 m2. triangle is 3.9 m2.

Celdrick's growing post

Rectangular Prism

Triangular Prism


Sorry if the pictures are small.....COMMENT

Owen's Surface Area Growing Post

triangular prism:


Rectangular Prism:

Gilberts Surfuce Area Growing Post

Rectangular Prism

OK so to get the total surface area (TSA) you can start of by by finding the area of the front side and the top view of the prism. To find the area of the sides you should use the formula l x w=area. After you find the areas of the sides add them all together and times the sum by 2. Now after you did that you have the area of the rectangular prism.

Triangular Prism

OK the Triangular Prism is probably the easiest of them all. All you have to do is draw a net of the prism and label all the measurements. After you have done that you find the area of the faces using the formula which is b x h /2 = Area. After you have done all of that you need to get the TSA so to do that you need to add up the total of each side and you will have the TSA.


OK now onto the cylinder the hard one. OK so first you have to draw the net of the cylinder. Then second you have to find the radius you have to use the formula d/2=r. Then third you have to find the circumference by using the formula pi x d=c . After you have done that you need to find the area of the circle to find that you use the formula pi x r x r= Area. After that you must find the area of the rectangle to do that you use the formula l x w Now that you have the area of the circle and the rectangle you add that to the TSA and then you have the answer.

Sorry my videos wouldn't upload so here are the link to them please enjoy.

Kenneth's Growing Post

Rectangular Prism (Formula A=LxW)



A= 10 x 3

A= 30cm2



A= 10x5

A= 50cm2



A=3 x 5

A= 15cm2

TSA= 50+50+30+30+15+15 = 190cm2

Cylinder (Formula= d/2=r - C=(pi) x d)

(cylinder Picture is at the top)





C=(pi) x d

C=3.14 x 50


TSA= 157 + 157 + 25 + 25 = 364cm2

Triangular Prism (Formula= b x h/2 - A=L x W)

(triangular prism is at the top)

A=b x h/2

A=10 x 20/2


A=L x W

A=50 x 30


TSA= 1500 + 1500 + 100 + 100 = 4700cm2

Please Correct me If I did something wrong or if I forgot to do a net. xD .... Oh and please Comment 8D

Marielle's Growing Post

Rectangular Prism

the formula you have to use to find the total surface area of a rectangular prism is A=LxW .

For example if you have a rectangular prism with a height of 6cm, Length of 10cm and a width of 4cm. To calculate the total surface area of the rectangular prism you have to use the formula.

Front and back : 6cm x 10cm
A= l x w
A= 10 x 6
A= 60 cm
A= 60 x 2
A= 120cm

Top and bottom: 4cm x 10cm
A= l x w
A= 10 x 4
A= 40cm
A= 40 x 2
A= 80cm

ends: 4cm x 6cm
A= l x w
A= 6 x 4
A= 24cm
A= 24 x 2
A= 48cm

A rectangular prism has 6 sides therefore you have to times it by 2 because there are two sides of the same area.

To get the total surface area you. add it all together

TSA= (area of front and back) + (area of top and bottom) + (area of ends)
TSA= 120 + 80 + 48
TSA= 248cm2

Triangular Prism

to find out the total surface area of a triangular prism the formula you need is A=L x W & B x H/2

For example if you have a length of 10cm, base of 4cm and a height of 5 here's what you have to do, to get the total surface area.

A=L x H
A= 10 x 3
A= 30cm
A= 30x3
A= 90cm

You times this by three since there are 3 equal sides.

A=B x H/2
A= 5 x 3/2
A= 7.5cm
A=7.5 x 2
A= 15cm

You times this by two because there are two sides of a triangle.

Now to get the total surface area you have to add these together.

TSA= (3 x area of a rectangle)+(2 x area of a triangle)
TSA= 90cm + 15cm
TSA= 105cm2


to find out the total surface area of a cylinder you have to use the formula R= d/2, A= L x W and C= pi x r x r

For example if you have a cylinder with a diameter of 2cm and the length being 15 cm. To find the total surface area you'll have to do this ..

R= d/2
R= 2/1
R= 1cm

C= pi x d
C= 3.14 x 2
C= 6.28 cm

A= pi x r x r
A= 3.14 x 1 x 1
A= 3.14
A= 3.14 x 2
A= 6.28

You times it by two because there are two circles. One end and the other.

A= L x W
A= 15 x 6.28
A= 94.2cm

TSA= (area of the circles x 2) + (area of the rectangle)
TSA= 3.14 + 3.14 + 94.2

How to find the surface area of a rectangular prism.

leave a comment :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Connor's Surface Area Growing Post

Rectangular Prism

Triangular Prism


Surface Area Growing Post

Rectangular Prism

A = lxw

Triangular Prism

A = lxw
A = bxh/2


r = d/2
SA = 2x(πx)+(πxdxh)

Sorry, the videos wont upload.. So, here are the links:

Cylinder -
Rectangular Prism -
Triangular Prism -


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